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FTDD Board Elects New Officers

FTDD Staff

On Wednesday, September 29, 2021, the Board of Directors of the First Tennessee Development District hosted the 55th Annual Meeting at the historic Langston Centre in Johnson City.

The Board selected a new slate of officers for the coming year. Outgoing Board Chair, Mayor W.T. Daniels introduced a motion to approve the recommendation of Mayor Joe Grandy as Chair, Mayor Mahlon Luttrell as Vice-Chair, and Mayor Mike Taylor as Treasurer. Mayor Patty Woodby of Carter County seconded the motion, the board then voted their unanimous approval.

Following the vote, Mayor Grandy thanked Mayor Daniels for his leadership over the past year, and went on to say that “it goes almost without saying the value we hold in the District, the staff and their work. As we’ve heard here today, in spite of challenges we face, the region can overcome and grow stronger by working together.” After his remarks, Mayor Grand adjourned the 55th Annual Meeting of the FTDD Board of Directors.

Prior to the vote on new officers, the board received program updates from the staff. This included recent successes in economic and community development, industrial development, housing, the FTDD Foundation, and aging services. Over the course of the past year, the District secured a number of grants totaling $6.1 million dollars to support economic growth. This does not include the largest infrastructure grant for a single community in District history, a $2.1 million dollar wastewater improvement project in Johnson City.

The board also received updates on the Area Agency on Aging and Disability and the FTDD Foundation. The Foundation, which was established in 2018, has enabled the District to pursue or partner on additional grant opportunities, including the Take a Shot Vaccine Campaign and the mobile vaccine vans, funded by BlueCross BlueShield Foundation of Tennessee.

For additional information about the Annual Meeting, please contact Chris Craig,

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