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New Website Launches for Business Loan Programs

FTDD Staff

The Northeast Tennessee Economic Development Corporation (NETEDC) announces the launch of their newly redesigned website and logo. In response to the changing business atmosphere in the region, the staff of NETEDC decided the time was right to transition to a new site that would better serve the needs of business clients in the Northeast Tennessee Region.

“We are very excited about the launch of the new website, and the information it will provide small businesses in the eight-county region,” said Ken Rea, Loan Program Manager, who oversees the program of NETEDC.

Website Features

With the new website, visitors will be able to navigate through the pages with ease as they learn more about the Business Development Loan programs. The new website features a page for each of the Downtown Loan Programs that are offered in Johnson City, Greeneville and Erwin.

A “Project Scenario” page gives potential loan applicants the opportunity to see various types of project scenarios that are offered with the Business Development Loan funds. Each project is different, therefore, it is best to contact NETEDC for more information about each specific project need. The staff at NETEDC is excited to provide further guidance to anyone that has questions about the program. Businesses can submit their information request through the new website at

Contact Ken Rea, or (423) 722-5098 for questions about the Northeast Tennessee Economic Development Corporation.

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