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Wage & Benefit Report

In early 2023, the First Tennessee Development District surveyed the region's manufacturers to compile data relevant to wages and benefits offered by each.


The survey includes companies in eleven counties in Northeast Tennessee three counties and one city in Southwest Virginia. 


The survey contained questions relevant to an employer's pay and benefits structure, employee position and educational requirements, and number of current employees. This was then analyzed to develop a profile on the region's wages and benefits structure to inform current and prospective employers of the costs of operations. It will also be useful in addressing salary levels to stem churn within current operations. Data such as this can improve not only recruitment efforts, but also pay for current employees, improving the economic outlook for the entire region.

A working group of the regions economic development organizations, chambers of commerce, and local governments guided this project, including input on the survey content and promotion during the survey's data collection. The project was funded using a Rural Business Development Grant through the United State Department of Agriculture.

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