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FTAAAD Awarded Grant to Purchase Assistive Devices for Older Adults with Dementia or Hearing Loss

FTDD Staff

The First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability (FTAAAD), a part of the First Tennessee Development District, is proud to announce that they are the recipients of an invitation-only $5,000 grant from The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee as part of their Serving Tennessee Seniors grant bequest.

In 2016, many Tennessee nonprofit organizations, including FTAAAD, were recipients of the original Serving Tennessee Seniors grant program, funded by Chancery Court and distributed by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. The Community Foundation was given an additional $250,000 matching gift from Chancery court, and organizations that received funding in 2016 were invited to apply again for the maximum-$5,000 grants.

With this grant, FTAAAD will be purchasing more of the Joy for All robotic cats, dogs and birds, which will be made available for distribution to adults over age 60 with dementia or other conditions that would benefit from the comfort a pet would normally provide. FTAAAD has previously used the robotic pets in partnership with Alzheimer’s Tennessee to great success.

The remainder of the grant money will be used to purchase portable SafeAwake Smoke Alarm Aid Bed Shakers and compatible smoke alarms for older adults with hearing loss who may be unable to hear a standard smoke alarm in case of fire.

These purchases emphasize FTAAAD’s ongoing commitment to assisting older Tennesseans and adults with disabilities with information and services that promote quality of life and independence.

About First Tennessee Development District Area Agency on Aging and Disability The First Tennessee Development District Area Agency on Aging and Disability's mission is to improve the quality of life for older adults and adults with disabilities who live in the eight counties of Northeast Tennessee by advocating, setting policy, identifying local needs, providing services, coordinating resources, and providing information to promote a continuum of care which supports independence, choice, and empowerment for those we are committed to serve. For more information, call 423-928-3258 or visit

For additional information on this or other news from the First Tennessee Development District, please contact Mark Stevans at

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