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FTDD Executive Committee Received Updates on Regional Efforts

FTDD Staff

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, the Executive Committee of the First Tennessee Development District met to receive updates on the District's regional efforts. After calling the meeting to order and approving minutes from the prior executive committee meeting, Board Chair, Mayor W. T. Daniels of Greeneville moved on to the FTDD 2020 Fiscal Year Audit Report. The audit was conducted by Blackburn, Childers, & Stegall, PLC. After summarizing results, Kevin Peters of BCS reported no findings in the audit and thanked the staff and Audit Committee for their hard work and professionalism.

The executive committee also received a brief update on the new and redesigned logo for the organization. One feature of interest to the Board is the new archive of past meeting minutes spanning several years, now available online. They were also brought up to speed on the soon to be launched Regional Wage & Benefit Survey. This effort will survey the region's manufacturers and help inform ECD professionals with industrial recruitment efforts. The data will also be helpful in addressing "churn" or the turn over of employees within existing industry with a snapshot of regional salary and benefits averages across Northeast Tennessee.

Appointments for the Regional Planning Organization Executive Board, which provides insight on multimodal transportation projects across Northeast Tennessee, were also approved. Representative Tim Hicks and Senator Jon Lundberg were appointed to fill two vacancies that existed.

The meeting was adjourned after brief legislative updates from representatives of Senator Bill Hagerty and Congresswoman Harshbarger as well as a report from Mayor Joe Grandy on a potential new 501c3 to house a proposed regional economic development organization.

The Executive Committee will meet again on March 24, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.

For questions about the recent meeting, please contact Mark Stevans,

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