The Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development has awarded the First Tennessee Development District a Consolidated Business Grant totaling $200,000.
Consolidate Business Grants support Tennessee employers and enable them to address company training needs and skills training for current workers. Training provided with CBG funding benefits local businesses and their current workers by preventing layoffs, increasing retention, advancement opportunities, increasing wages, and improving processes. Employees will receive skills upgrades and earn industry experience leading to recognized certificates and credentials. WIOA Staff have been working with area employers to best utilize these grant funds to support employment.
Local companies participating in this year's program include:
Artazn, LLC
City of Kingsport
Kintronic Labs
Meco Corporation
Mundet TN, Inc.
Partner Industrial
Tri-Cities Area Electrical JATC
Westlake (Royal Building Products)
About WIOA Programs
Since assuming both fiscal and board staff responsibilities for the region’s Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs and the Northeast Tennessee Local Workforce Development Board, the First Tennessee Development District is committed to building and sustaining a workforce development system that promotes economic development, meets employer needs, and is responsive to the changing demands of the labor market. To learn more about WIOA Programs, click here.
For questions about this and other FTDD news, please contact Mark Stevans, mstevans@ftdd.org.