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Rep. Tim Hicks honored as Legislator of the Year

FTDD Staff

Board members, regional partners, guests, and staff gathered for the 57th Semi-Annual Board of Directors Meeting of the First Tennessee Development District on Thursday, June 15, 2023. This year’s event was held at Grace Meadows Farm in Jonesborough, Tennessee.

Each year, the Board of Directors selects a member of the state delegation to honor for their hard work and commitment to regional projects. This year’s honoree, Representative Tim Hicks was chosen for “jumping into a leadership role in our region with the Northeast Tennessee Regional Recovery Center,” shared board chair, Mayor Patty Woodby of Carter County. Woodby went on to say that “Tim is a friend, an advocate for men and women in recovery, and a champion for our region in Nashville. He’s a valued voice and I am thrilled to honor him tonight for his hard work.”

While accepting his award, Representative Hicks expressed his thanks for the partnering organizations that have made the Recovery Center possible including the region’s county mayors, Families Free, and the FTDD. Hicks also shared that his own personal recovery and his faith have made the recovery center possible, adding that “God led me to this moment, and has made something like the recovery center possible, he put every piece we needed in place to make this work and it’s a team effort.”

During the meeting, Karrie Erick, long-term care ombudsman for the First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability was also honored for 15 years of service. Angie Gwaltney, director of the Area Agency detailed Erick's dedication, hard work and commitment to seniors in her role as the region's chief advocate for their care.

The board utilizes the June Semi-Annual Meeting to adopt a budget for the coming fiscal year as well as an updated Work Program, which guides the District’s efforts. This year’s Work Program includes the keystone areas of focus for the FTDD, and the addition of the responsibilities the FTDD will assume as the One-Stop Operator for the region's American Job Centers on July 1. “We’re excited to have our partners and our board together, and share the amazing work the staff of the FTDD carry out on their behalf,” said Mike Harrison, Executive Director, “from Aging to Economic Development, Workforce to Housing, the Development District will carry out the Work Plan and it will have positive impacts in every community in our region.”

For questions related to this or other District news, please contact Mark Stevans,

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