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District Seeking 2024 Kathy Whitaker Excellence in Aging Service Award Nominations

FTDD Staff

Kathy Whitaker embodied an unrivaled commitment to service on behalf of older adults in Northeast Tennessee throughout her 46 years of service to the First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging & Disability. In honor of her service and in the spirit of volunteerism, the Board of Directors of the First Tennessee Development District created an award in her name honoring others’ volunteer service in the community to improve the lives of older adults.


In 2023 Kimberly Howell, a long-time volunteer for the Adult Day Center in Johnson City, was selected for her passion for serving others, which her nominators described as not only infectious, life changing. In addition to her career in healthcare and direct care for seniors, Howell was honored for her volunteer efforts with Adult Day Services Center in Johnson City. In the 30 years of her service, Howell called Bingo for clients, helped wherever needed, and shared her love of life with men and women who are often forgotten or overlooked. The Kathy Whitaker Excellence in Aging Service Award is designed to recognize volunteers like Kim who display the commitment to seniors in their community.


If you know an individual who volunteers for one or more organizations or programs that assist older adults in Carter, Greene, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi or Washington Counties, please nominate them for this award by completing the form below. The deadline for entries will be Friday, April 12, 2024.


The honoree will be celebrated at the FTAAAD Annual Conference on Aging on  May 7.

For more information about this or other news from the FTDD, please contact Mark Stevans,

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