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Executive Committee Receives Updates on Workforce, Planning, and Key Partnerships

FTDD Staff

The Executive Committee of the First Tennessee Development District met yesterday to conduct business on behalf of the region.

The agenda included updates on the District's workforce re-entry program, Caring Workplaces. Now in year three, this program brings employers, service providers, the justice involved and those in recovery together to build out a career pipeline. Since launching Caring Workplaces, 53 employers have earned the distinction as a Caring Workplace Employer, and two have reached the Gold Certification. Over 600 individuals have been served and 200 remain actively employed through certified area employers.

The Committee also received an update on the District's local planning services. This service, which provides staffing to local planning commissions, is vital to the region's smaller communities. Like other employers in the region, staffing these roles has become a concern, so the Executive Committee was asked to consider options to make these roles more attractive for qualified candidates and provide the best quality of service.

The Executive Committee also gave approval for District staff to continue discussions for a potential new home for the FTDD. The Development District's role and increased responsibilities have placed a greater strain on the current location on North Roan Street in Johnson City.

Dr. David Hicks of TCAT Elizabethton and Dr. Jeff McCord of Northeast State Community College also updated the Executive Committee on their shared work and respective updates from their organizations. These include planned expansions and course offerings in Carter, Washington, and Sullivan Counties.

The Executive Committee will meet next on February 15, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the District Offices.

For more information this or other FTDD News, please contact Mark Stevans,

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