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FTDD Launches new

FTDD Staff

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To better serve the region's largest immersive career exploration events, the First Tennessee Development District has launched a new CareerQuest Tennessee website. The site, which provides information on the full suite of CQTN events also boasts information for volunteers, donors, and the latest updates.

In transitioning to a new platform, the focus was on the ease for the region's educators and employers to learn more about and register for any upcoming CareerQuest event. Over the years, this has grown to include the mainstay CareerQuest Tennessee immersive career exploration event hosted in the Mini-Dome. It also additional events such as CQTN...All About Business, and the soon-to-launch CQTN...Hospitality Works, aimed to teach students about careers in our region's in the hospitality and tourism industry. CQTN...Hospitality Works which will focus on food & beverage, accommodations, outdoors and leadership/management careers will launch in the fall 2022.

In other CQTN news, registration is now open for CareerQuest Tennessee...It's all About Business, which provides students the opportunity to learn about careers in accounting/auditing, banking/financial planning, human resources and marketing by interacting with business professionals from around the region. Students hear about the leaders’ educational and career background and a day in the life for these various professions. All about Business will be hosted on the campus of Northeast State Community College on March 4, 2022, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

If you are interested in learning more about the CareerQuest Tennessee or any of the CQTN events, please visit

If you are an area employer, and interested in participating in an upcoming event, please contact Lottie Ryans,

If you have interest in volunteering during any CareerQuest Tennessee event, visit

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